

Show Management Office

CNT Inc.
Suda-cho 4F., 1-24-3 Kanda
Suda-cho, Chiyoda-ku,
Tokyo 101-0041, Japan
TEL. +81-3-5297-8855
FAX. +81-3-5294-0909

    Concurrent Exhibition

  1. センサエキスポジャパン2021
  2. JIMA2021 [第10回総合検査機器展]
  3. INTERMEASURE2021 [第29回計量計測展]
  4. 地盤技術フォーラム2021
  5. SUBSEA TECH JAPAN 2021 [第4回海洋産業技術展]

Mobile & Wearable Zone

An exhibit zone featuring Mobile and Wearable Devices

These days, it is no longer unusual to find mobile terminals in manufacturing, transportation, logistics, retail, and other sites. What’s more, much attention has been focused recently on wearable devices worn to improve the efficiency of work.
The AUTO-ID & COMMUNICATION EXPO has introduced a zone dedicated to mobile terminals, mobile-connected devices, wearables, and the like.
Please consider exhibiting in the “Mobile & Wearable Zone” this year.

Exhibit Categories

・Mobile devices/accessories

Readers/writers, printers, business PDAs, POS, tablets, smartphones, medical devices, etc.

・Wearable devices

Glasses, watches, rings, etc.


ales support software/apps, inventory management software/apps, sales management software/apps, manufacturing process management software/apps, other support software/apps, etc.

・Embedded devices, middleware, transmission-related services